FTF Volunteer Program

Fantasy Theatre Factory is always looking for new volunteers! There are many different areas to share your talents.
We are currently recruiting volunteers for the following positions:
- Ushers for public fieldtrip performances or at the Sandrell Rivers Theatre: Arrive early to fieldtrip performance locations and help with ushering students from bus drop off points to the theatre; they also assist with seating, collecting tickets, etc. Ushers may also see the show for free, and meet the cast, director and experience the full behind the scenes experience!
- Office Assistant:
During business hours on weekdays, greet visitors, answer phones, assist with marketing and gain firsthand experience in the daily operations of a touring professional theatre organization.
- Costume Assistant:
During business hours, assist in costume building, design and fittings. Some sewing skills preferred.
- Special Events Assistant:
Be a part of making the magic happen at FTF's large scale special events. Assist with prepping giant puppets, applying makeup to strolling characters and more! You'll be a part of what it takes behind the scenes to make an FTF event a success.
- Production Assistant:
When we create new shows, rehearse existing shows, and prep for special events we can always use a helping hand to assist with various production related aspects such as director's assistant, production assistant and more.
Fantasy Theatre Factory is a great place to hone your skills, gain experience and have a great time while doing it.
Learn more about FTF's volunteer program by clicking to view the PDF document below!
If you have any questions about FTF's Volunteer program call us at 305-284-8800 or email us at volunteer@ftfshows.com.