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Thank you for your interest in supporting Fantasy Theatre Factory!
FTF is dedicated to creating original quality educational programs for children & families, & to making these programs accessible to more people of all cultures & backgrounds.
Incorporated since 1982, our mission is to cultivate, foster, sponsor & develop appreciation, understanding, taste & and love of theatre arts among the general public- with a special emphasis on serving children. Literature & Environmental Education are core components of FTF's Mission.
FTF strives to encourage & support artists, teachers & students in their creative endeavors; to stimulate the imagination & set the conditions for creative thinking.
FTF operates two major wings of programming: In-House Programs at the Sandrell Rivers Theater, & touring theatre outreach, traveling throughout FL, the Southeast, and Internationally to theatres, schools, fairs, libraries & outdoor festivals. FTF makes it possible to bring arts, culture & environmental education into urban and rural neighborhoods.
Fantasy Theatre Factory is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that has continued to thrive for more than 40 years with the support from our community. We commit to keeping our in-school performance programs and field trip ticket prices low and serving the broader community with discounted or free admission and outreach programs. Tickets sales and the workshop tuitions cover only a portion of our annual expenses. Help us to achieve our goals of providing the highest quality of theatre education and performing opportunities for all children.