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Solo performance at the Sandrell Rivers Theater post COVID-19


Fantasy Theatre Factory (FTF) at the Sandrell Rivers Theater (SRT) presents “ONE@SRT 2020” to provide a space dedicated to the staging and sharing of one-person shows. This initiative is part of FTF’s plan to safely present theatrical productions once it is legally allowed. FTF invites artists to submit solo performance projects — including theater, dance, and/or music — to be part of FTF’s plan to reopen to live audiences after the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Provide artistic engagement for audiences and artists in a live, in-person setting.

  2. Help rebuild a sense of trust, safety, and comfort within the arts and culture community of South Florida after the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Immediately execute the county, state and federal guidelines for reopening performing arts facilities;

  2. Provide the public with a safe environment in which to attend a performance;

  3. Offer artists a healthy space in which to perform;

  4. Serve as an example for other performing arts organizations.

Application Process:
  • Deadlines:

    • Publication of basis and online submission: June 1, 2020.

    • Deadline for submissions: August 7, 2020.

    • Invitation & publication of selected projects: Rolling dates.

  • Evaluation Criteria will include the following:

    • Projects demonstrate artistic excellence & cultural relevance.

    • Projects that appeal to different segments of our diverse audiences – including general audiences and adults, children, families, etc.

    • Projects are adjustable to meet the technical conditions of the Sandrell Rivers Theater.

    • Remount, revivals, and/or minimalistic projects are preferable.

    • Projects should be able to be presented as soon as it is legally allowed.

  • Selection Committee:

    • ​The committee will be part of the FTF staff and invited artists.

  • Documents and information to submit::

    • Name of the project;

    • Artist or representative information;

    • Crew & artistic team;

    • Duration of the performance;

    • Preferred dates of performance – first choice and two alternatives;

    • Project Narrative (500 words maximum);

    • Artistic biographies:(300 words max. per artist);

    • Technical requirements (sound, lights, video, etc.);

    • If available, Design elements (set, costumes, props, etc.);

    • If available, Press release and audio-visual registry of past productions;

    • If the proposal is a remount or revival, attach a link the entire performance;

    • Any supporting images or videos.

  1. Safety:

    • Artists and crew must follow the social distancing and safety guidelines all the time that they are inside the facility.

    • FTF will live stream the event to allow patrons to watch the performance remotely, in addition to limited in-person seating.​

  2. Fee:

    • ​FTF will provide producing artist or company a flat fee of $500.00 for the performance. Including rehearsals.​​

    • FTF does not provide lodging and travel expenses.

  3. Space:

    • Performance venue: SANDRELL RIVERS THEATER, located at 6103 NW 7th Avenue, Miami, FL - 33127.

    • FTF provides the Black Box Theater in a proscenium setup. No other seating configuration will be considered.

    • Other spaces in the theater may be available with minimum technical equipment and following all the CDC and local health guidelines.

    • Artists will have access to the dressing rooms.

    • If necessary, assigned Dressing Rooms can be used as storage for props, costumes, and small set pieces.

    • The set should be minimum, mobile, and not invasive to allow the production of other events and shows. Some projects may share the same time frame but perform at different dates and times.

    • Load-in will be scheduled two to three days before the first performance, according to the availability of the theater and in previous coordination with the FTF staff.

    • Load-out must be the same day or the day after the last performance, according to the​ availability of the theater and in previous coordination with the FTF staff.

  4. Time of performance:

    • Shows must be 45 – 90 min in length.

    • Longer shows will be considered on a case-by-case basis.​

  5. Rehearsals:

    • Production will be allowed in the venue 2-4 days before the first performance, according to the availability of the theater and in previous coordination with the FTF staff.​

  6. Crew:

    • ​FTF will assist the producing artist with a Technical Director during the tech rehearsal process, load-in, performance time frame, and load-out.

    • FTF will provide one stagehand.

  7. Marketing:​

    • The producing artist may send 2 pictures/images in high resolution during the application process or 21 days before the first performance to design the ticketing portal image, social media content, and online presence.

      • If an image is not provided by the producing artist, FTF will design a flyer in coordination with the producing artist.

    • The producing artist and FTF will work on the design of a flyer no later than 7 days before sales are open to the public.

    • The following logos must be used for all marketing materials:

      • Fantasy Theatre Factory at the Sandrell Rivers Theater.

      • ONE@SRT.

      • Miami Dade County.

      • The state of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.

    • The following language will be used for all marketing materials:

      • This program is made possible with the support of The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners; and, it is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council of Arts and Culture.​

  8. Cancellation:

    • If the project is canceled before the first performance, the producing artist must notify FTF no later than 30 days before the first rehearsal at the SRT. Failure to do so will result in a one-year ineligibility period for the artist to be considered for additional projects with Fantasy Theatre Factory at the Sandrell Rivers Theater.​​

Grant Opportunities:
  • We encourage applicants to check out the following grant funding resources:

    • Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs:

      • Grant opportunities for artists and organizations.​

    • Funding Arts Network​ (FAN)

    • Knight Foundation

    • Miami Foundation


Contact Information for Questions:
Rommel Arellan-Marinas, Associate Artistic Director.
Fantasy Theatre Factory at the Sandrell Rivers Theatre.
Phone number: 305-284-8800 ext. 467
6103 NW 7th Avenue, Miami, Florida – 33127.
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m., to 6 p.m.

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Because of YOU and your generosity we can make a difference.

Each year FTF produces well over 500 programs that reach over 150,000 people all across South Florida, the entire state, and internationally.

Help us bring the magic of theater and the joy of learning!


It is our policy to comply with all of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request materials in accessible format, and/or any accommodation to attend any Fantasy Theatre Factory event, please contact Evelyn Sullivan,, at least five (5) days in advance to initiate your request, TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).

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Privacy Policy │ Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization │ All donations are tax deductible │ Website designed and created by Rommel Arellan-Marinas

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